Inspired by true events, this thriller follows the obsessive and uptight detective Souder (Sam Worthington), a homicide detective in a small town in Texas, and his partner, detective transplanted to New York Cop Eh (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), because they follow a sadistic serial murderer dumping mutilated bodies of their victims in a nearby swamp residents call "The Killing Fields".
Although the crime scenes are Swampland outside their jurisdiction, the detective is not to turn away Hello solve grisly murder. Despite the warnings of his partner, it aims to investigate crimes. Before long, game killer change and begins to hunt detectives, teasing with possible traces of the crime scenes, where there is always one step ahead. Once known local girl, Anne (Chloe Grace Moretz) is missing, the detectives find themselves racing against time to catch the killer and save the life of the girl.
Unfortunately, the banality of the film's narrative and a strong sense of déjà vu making the process academic. Based on a true story written by former DEA officer of the law Ferrarone Don, saying Texas Killing Fields proof that life is full of clichés, correct. Detectives are working stiffs to focus on their work, but their lack of training and study of the emergency - such as their relative lack convincing hot. There are the standard car chase, obstacle course, a fight and some poking around at night with torches, but it all serves only to remind you of other films that have done the same thing better.
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As the first film, The Texas Killing Fields is complete (except for a couple of continuity errors straight-forward), but Ami Canaan Mann likely will suffer from comparison with his father. The first film did little to prevent this, Michael's father appearing in the press conference in his role as producer of the film.
Oddly, for a film its title from a place - a strip of desert along the I-45, where more than fifty bodies were thrown from the late sixties - Killing Fields in Texas, has very little meaning the place. The film's characters are constantly telling you how bad the Killing Fields are (a technician refers to them as infected), but this just is not coming, they just look plain, sterile drapes.
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